Friday, September 14, 2007

Yeah, Rachel is scary.

And I have a new phone! BWAH!!!!! It's so awesome! I won't be using it as a replacement for my iPod since it just doesn't have enough storage, but I found out if I trim songs down to small clips, I can make custom ringtones!!! YAY!!!!! And my handsfree headset is so nerdy but it actually works. Huzzah!

(seriously, they always say "you know, boys and their toys" but I think that girls, especially now and in the future, would like technology gifts more than jewelry)

(well, maybe just me)

(btw - once I get a job, I'm saving for a bluetooth headset)

1 comment:

The Uncredible Hallq said...

Nice blog you got here. I find much of it mildly amusing. You now have a regular reader.