Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?!?!

Ok, so the guys next to us are having another fucking party. I do not understand. There are several reasons why this aggravates me:

1) It is a WEDNESDAY! Not a Friday, not a Saturday, not even a Sunday! What the HELL are you celebrating on a Wednesday? "Fuck yeah man, it's the middle of the week! Huh huh huh!" Stupid fuckers.

2) See, I could understand if this was like an isolated incident. But no. It is not like an isolated incident. It is not even an isolated incident. Because last weekend, you partied (and by partied, I mean turned up your bass and yelled a lot) Thursday AND Friday AND Saturday. Also, one of your "guests" puked outside our steps and my other roommate saw another of your "guests" peeing in a bush. Now, our apartments have similar layouts so I cannot fucking imagine why you do not have a bathroom! oh wait, you DO!

3) Oh lord, one of you just yelled, "yeah, suck my cock!". Ok, so I can put up with sexual exploits OR pounding bass. But not BOTH. And not ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

4) If you invited us to the parties you are so clearly having, maybe we would be more understanding. But no. You fuckers. Not like we would go to your parties anyways - your bathroom seems to be broken.

So yeah. If this continues, there will be some talking to.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

This is why we love you, Maria. Oh, and did you notice that there is a plastic cup (most likely from beer pong) stuck in the bush in front of out apartment? YAY for our neighbors!