Thursday, September 27, 2007

Haiku for you

Adam Lichtenfeld
I swear I will kick you. Hard.
You walk too damn slow.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Yep, she totally said!

Ha, I haven't been than amused for a loooong time! And we're pretty sure the girl was referring to my pants... Soooo, that also means that I was checked out by a little girl today. Well, all I can say is that it sure is nice to have a little variety after all the old men!

That's what she said...literally!

Little girl hanging out of a car window as her parent (maybe) drives by me and Rachel:

"Hi!! I like your pants!"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

All right everyone, just thought I would post so that Maria isn't the only one who appears to have no life. Haha, I'm just kidding. This is a video of Maria making some Cinnamon rolls... sorry about the camera shaking, but I was laughing too much.

Oh, the good times we have in our kitchen..... and how much Maria makes a fool of herself....

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Sarah: I got some Haagen-Daaz ice cream for us...and by us, I mean me and Chris.
Rachel and me: *whimper whimper fake cry*
Sarah: you guys, stop it.
Rachel and me: *whimper whimper fake cry*
Sarah: seriously, stop it
Rachel and me: *whimper whimper fake cry*

So Sarah uses this phrase now to interrupt conversations. Tee-hee.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY!?!?!

Ok, so the guys next to us are having another fucking party. I do not understand. There are several reasons why this aggravates me:

1) It is a WEDNESDAY! Not a Friday, not a Saturday, not even a Sunday! What the HELL are you celebrating on a Wednesday? "Fuck yeah man, it's the middle of the week! Huh huh huh!" Stupid fuckers.

2) See, I could understand if this was like an isolated incident. But no. It is not like an isolated incident. It is not even an isolated incident. Because last weekend, you partied (and by partied, I mean turned up your bass and yelled a lot) Thursday AND Friday AND Saturday. Also, one of your "guests" puked outside our steps and my other roommate saw another of your "guests" peeing in a bush. Now, our apartments have similar layouts so I cannot fucking imagine why you do not have a bathroom! oh wait, you DO!

3) Oh lord, one of you just yelled, "yeah, suck my cock!". Ok, so I can put up with sexual exploits OR pounding bass. But not BOTH. And not ALL THE FUCKING TIME.

4) If you invited us to the parties you are so clearly having, maybe we would be more understanding. But no. You fuckers. Not like we would go to your parties anyways - your bathroom seems to be broken.

So yeah. If this continues, there will be some talking to.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Recipes for a fabulous life

I had such a good meal tonight I had to write about it.

Main course: Good Lovin' Noodles
Side dish...maybe more like an appetizer: Probably Bad For You Dip

Good Lovin' Noodles
So called because if you served them to a significant other, you would get the good lovin' that night.

3 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic
6 or so medium sized leaves of FRESH basil
3 tablespoons FRESH parsley (or so)
1/4 c to 1/3 c. red wine (I used dry Marsala)
2 tablespoons margarine or butter
1/8 c. to 1/4 c. feta cheese (cubed by whatever means you want)
cooked chicken strips (cut up a grilled chicken breast or something...not like fried chicken strips, that would be gross)
some noodles (I used rigatoni...or rotelle, I don't remember which. Both would be fine, I'm sure)

Make the noodles according to package directions.

While you're waiting for the noodle water to boil, pour the olive oil in a small skillet and heat over medium heat. While you're waiting for that, chop your garlic clove as fine as you can (this is really just a me thing, I don't like huge chunks of garlic but whatevs).

When your oil is ready (by which I mean, when you're done chopping your garlic clove), add the garlic to the skillet and saute over medium heat until carmelized (note: this means kinda brown, but more golden than chocolate-y). By the way, when your noodle water boils, you should add your noodles. But that's just package directions.

Cut up your basil and parsley. Best method? Scrunch it up in a ball and chop the ball. Then, once your garlic is golden, add the herbs to the olive oil. Let them cook for a minute or two, until they smell good, and then add your wine and your butter.

Turn up the heat so you get it to a slow boil and then let your wine reduce (otherwise you could have just poured your wine over noodles and gotten almost the same result). After it's been about 3 minutes (I'm impatient, you could probably actually wait and get a thicker sauce), add your chicken strips and cook for about a minute more. Then pour the wine mixture over your noodles and add the feta cheese (hopefully you can time this so the noodles will still be steaming hot. I couldn't so my feta didn't melt. I was impatient...see above...but if I had more patience, I would have microwaved it so the feta melted).

You can garnish this with a basil leaf or some parsley if you want to be a fancy-pants. You also may want to double the recipe if you want to serve more than one because when I made this, it was just enough for me plus a little more. If you are serving a salad or bread, the sauce with the pasta may be enough for two.

Probably Bad for You Dip
So called because while yogurt is good for you, brown sugar is not so much.

1 carton vanilla yogurt (individual sized, I think those are called cartons)
*you can also use plain, it would be less sweet, which might be good
1/4 cup brown sugar (less if you are so inclined)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
apple slices (or whatever fruit you want)
lemon juice

Mix the yogurt with the brown sugar and vanilla until it's a uniform color. Add a few drops of lemon juice to taste (I would have done this to cut the sweetness a little but we didn't have any lemon juice). Dip apple slices in it. Enjoy the calcium.

So that is what I had for dinner tonight. It was good. I originally planned on using white wine in the sauce but then I accidentally opened the wrong bottle and was momentarily dismayed when my "white" wine was very red. But it turned out so good. The noodles would also be good with goat cheese or mozzarella (but fresh, not the not-as-good other stuff). Also cherry tomatoes. But I don't like them.

That's what she said

Me: "All right, lesson plan, I'm going to do you right now. Right on the table."
Maria: Awwwright... (Quagmire voice from Family Guy)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

This is totally awesome.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Yeah, Rachel is scary.

And I have a new phone! BWAH!!!!! It's so awesome! I won't be using it as a replacement for my iPod since it just doesn't have enough storage, but I found out if I trim songs down to small clips, I can make custom ringtones!!! YAY!!!!! And my handsfree headset is so nerdy but it actually works. Huzzah!

(seriously, they always say "you know, boys and their toys" but I think that girls, especially now and in the future, would like technology gifts more than jewelry)

(well, maybe just me)

(btw - once I get a job, I'm saving for a bluetooth headset)

We scare each other...

So, I woke up this morning, opened my door, and screamed.

Why? Because in my blurry, sleepy haze (yeah, I was too lazy to put the old glasses on so I could see what I was doing as I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth) I saw a person on the staircase.

Yep, it was Sarah.

She was getting ready to leave for class and heard me moving around in my room (haha, probably stumbling over things because I couldn't see what the heck I was doing!) and stopped on the staircase so she could say good morning to me when I came out of my room.

And I was sitting in the living room today after I got home from class and saw that Maria was coming up to the door. I waved at her when she looked inside, and I swear that she saw me because it looked like she waved back, but then she also screamed when she came inside because she thought that no one was home. Ha!

Yep, those are my stories. I love us! :-)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Maria explains corn

Corn in a mug. (sorry about the sidewaysness)

Maria explains Chick'N nuggets

Chick'N nuggets and Chin's sweet and sour sauce.


So apparently I'm funny.

"What you put out there, you'll get back. So always put out". (from me...yeah...)

Now, ladies, this is not always appropriate. We don't want to be sluts now, do we?

But consider it.

Also guys. Some things go both ways, you know.

Phone calls

Maria and I were in her bed, and I was feeling a bit down because of a recent parent situation. Maria's solution:
"You know what makes me feel better? Prank calling Rachel!" And Rachel was sitting in the next room, not answering her phone.
Here's how it went down: "Hello, this is Esther from the Llama Association. We were very pleased to receive your generous donation of $20 and were hoping that you would be willing to particpate in our upcoming fundraiser. As you know, there are many llamas that need your help. (giggles in the background) Thank you very much Rachel, good-bye!"

All in a crazy British accent, of course. This made me laugh so hard I started crying hysterically. In a good way.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Just to clarify...

Re: Maria's last post: It was in fact raining at time, so I was totally justified in asking for my umbrella. ;-)

Rihanna we are not

Rachel and I are walking to the bus stop today:

Her: Dude, I wish I had my umbrella.
Me: Ella ella, ey ey...
Both: Under my umbrella ella ella ey ey
Her: No, seriously. I want my umbrella.

Sarah's turn

So this doesn't happen too often. I am in the apartment all by myself. The others are in class.
Also, I'd just like to point out that when we first got here, Maria was the only one with a boy and now we all have boys. Ooooohhhhh.... this makes for the greatest girly conversations ever and plenty of screaming.
Me: *gushing over new boy*
Maria: We broke Sarah!
Rachel: Awww, you're gonna make me cry!
Maria: *pokes me and tickles me until I start screaming in really high pitched noises*

Yeah, that's pretty much how it goes. Also, we had a great cuddling session in Maria's bed last night. Maria's bed = family bed. Enough said.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

So Sarah had a boy stay in her room until 3 am last night. Oooooooooh.

Also, Badgers won, 20 to 13. But just barely. Geez, guys, don't scare us like that, ok? Don't pull a Michigan (who, by the way, is 0-2 for the first time in about 50 years!).

Allow us to introduce ourselves...

I'm Maria, I'm an international studies/political science/global cultures major and am way too ambitious for my own good. This is my font.

I'm Rachel, I'm a Spanish major who lisps because I went to Spain for a semester. I enjoy long walks on the beach. Thi
s is my font.

I'm Sarah, I'm a Spanish education major who loves babies, puppies, and duckies. I enjoy randomly bursting into song and getting up way too early. This is my font.

We live together and it's pretty damn crazy, not gonna lie.